A Woman Started Drinking 3 Cups Of Coffee A Day And The Effect To Her Chest Is Unbelievable!
A study was conducted by a group of researchers about what will be the effects if a woman drinks coffee 3 cups a day.
The result is that if a woman drinks 3 cups everyday, her chest will shrink. Though it may sounds impossible, but this is their conclusion.
They also claim that small chest and drinking coffee has a strong bond. Nonetheless, in Lund University in Sweden, a lecturer named Helena Jernstroem conveyed that drinking coffee has a major effect on the woman’s chest.
But you may think this will happen overnight, well it does not. Their bust size will not automatically decrease.
300 women participated in the study and their bust measurements were compared and taken.
Via HealthyTips, TNP
Via HealthyTips, TNP
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