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STUDY PROVES: Drinking Alcohol Will Make You Live Longer

There are signs and warnings about the bad effects of drinking alcohol to our body and mind. Drinking alcohol may lead to  accidents, liver problems or even death.

However, a study has shown that alcohol drinkers tend to live longer rather than those who does not drink. how can this happen?

Charles Holahan, a psychologist from the University of Texas (Austin) led a study and was published at Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research Journal, 69% of those who abstain dies after 20 years - despite of their lifestyle.

The study has lasted for 20 years and 2000 people has been surveyed with ages 55 to 65 years old. There are also three types of people involved:

1. Heavy drinkers

2. Moderate drinkers

3. Abstains from drinking

The results shows that 69% of the people who did not drink anymore alcohol dies after 20 years. The 60% of the heavy drinkers died, while the 41% of the drinkers who drink moderately followed. Few of the abstainers who died, they lives a healthy lifestyle.

Some were on the mend alcoholics and some with many friends. No matter what life they chose, who drank alcohol died younger.

STUDY PROVES: Drinking Alcohol Will Make You Live Longer

Why is this so?

The study has found that secret was not in the lifestyle that they chose, but it is on their peace of mind. Those who drink alcohol were more likely to be at peace with their life than those who does not drink. There are some reasons why heavy and moderate drinkers have a healthy and happy life:

    - Financially Stable: Considering that alcohol, those who do not drink may have smaller salary than those who drink. Worry-free means that you are financially stable.

    - Socially Active: Those who drink regularly, whether heavy or moderate drinker, they tend to be in good company. Friends can be an avenue for them to express themselves and be able to find people who are there and willing to listen to their dilemmas and offers them solution to their issues in life.

    - Relaxing Feeling: Drinking alcohol may help you feel relaxed. Petty problems and issues can be forgotten by drinking it may awaken eagerness for what is ahead.

These study and points can lay out that huge difference of the mental state of those who drink and non-drinkers and proves the study to be correct. In addition, there are reports about abstainer being the one to develop depression than those who drink in a regular basis. Aka note that this study does not encourage you to overindulge yourself to alcohol. Still consider that this drink is unhealthy and may be the cause of death.

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