Did You Know That There Are Bad Effects From Drinking Ice Cold Water While Eating? You Should Not Ignore This!
Water is generally good for our body. In fact, to maintain a healthy lifestyle, doctors advise us to drink as much of it as we can. However, did you know that too much water could harm us?
Some experts claim that that drinking ice cold water while eating is a dangerous move because it constricts blood vessels, preventing our body from being able to digest the food properly.
Also, cold water could make you feel bloated. Too much of it could drown the food in your stomach.
Doctors advise us to drink only lukewarm or room temperature water while we're eating to prevent these negative effects on our body.
They also suggest that, when eating meals, only drink sips of water to push the food down to your digestive tract.
A heads-up wouldn't hurt, right? If you want to maintain your health, follow the precautions above!
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